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You May Have Nothing To Hide, But There Is Much To Fear

- Are You Safe? -

“ If we enact strong privacy regulation, I believe we can be similarly hopeful about the future of privacy. ”— Gabriel Weinberg, CEO of DuckDuckGo

Now to address a secondary pertinent question that you may be asking: “Am I safe?”. The short answer is no. It is an unfortunate but widely accepted inevitability that if the National Security Agency wants your data badly enough, they will get it. That doesn’t mean you cannot make yourself safer and more private, and it certainly is not a reason to abandon privacy altogether. What you can is protect yourself from corporate data collection, which makes you a bit safer overall.

There may be nothing you can do personally against giant Internet Service Providers handing over your data to the government, or your data passing through undersea cables watched by the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance, but you can protect yourself from people who want to monetize your data.

Included in the navigation sidebar are tools for securing your browser and other areas of your digital life. Some steps to improve your daily privacy are:

  • Use a privacy-oriented search engine such as DuckDuckGo

  • Use a trustworthy VPN located outside of Five Eyes affiliated countries such as NordVPN, ProtonVPN, or MullvadVPN

  • Download browser extensions such as adblocker or DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials that block browser trackers

  • Be conscientious about the privacy ramifications your usage habits have, consider cutting out or cutting back on Google/Facebook related services you use